To Have 2020 Vision You Have to See Green By Katrina Nelson Admittedly, 2015 wasn’t too shabby. In fact, it was quite the opposite—2015 saw an enormous boost of structure, at least where sustainable building is concerned. With demands from aware homeowners as loud as ever, the pressure to push buildings into maximizing their energy-efficient […]
Author Archives: admin
How 2015 Reveals Sustainable Products Are a Must-Have for Future Builders
Follow the link: to see what he let the ProudGreenHome interviewer know (Spoiler: It’s relevant).
WALKING IN A WINTER WATERLAND (But Not Too Much Because We’re Conserving This Season)
It’s Mabel, from 1443 Rosewood Street. Do you remember me? I am 5. How are you? Can you feel the glow-ball warming up in the North Pole? Ms. Miller says you’re probably swimming up there, but I hope you still drink hot coacoa, because hot coacoa is very yummy. This Christmas I’m asking for […]
Lower Score? It’s a Smarter Home: Understanding this “HERS Index Score” Stuff that Homeowners Need To Know
To be honest, nothing explains it better than the pleasant-sounding woman in this (short and simple) video: But basically: before buying anything, it’s essential to observe the ratings. The latest and greatest added into the housing market? THE HERS INDEX SXCORE. To create a demand for smarter, more sustainable homes, RESNET created HERS scores […]
Want to Read Our Mail?
Because why not let you know one type of email that our CEO Larry Acker gets to open up? This past Sunday, the latest in his inbox read: And thank you, Mr. Grieshop, for reminding us why we work in the first place. Sustainably, ACT, Inc.
Try Thanksaving: The Hot, Unnoticed Blessing You Let Run Right through Your Fingers
Yes, we know the drill. Thanksgiving is “I am thankful for my family’s health.” Thanksgiving is“I am thankful for running water and a roof over my head.” And of course, Thanksgiving is always “I am thankful—goodness, so thankful— for this meal in front of me.” It’s not that any of this is untrue—you only say […]
Thirsty for Work: New Water-Conservation Jobs Growing in Drought
HERE’S A LOOK AT CURRENT EVENTS THROUGH OUR SCOPE….. There’s a great fear that jobs will be lost as California’s policies start to reflect awareness of the state’s extreme ecological deficit. As the pressure for more energy-efficient homes threaten the profits of water and energy companies (and agriculture business) the voice that cries “But these […]
Ms. Walborn, Mr. Travis… You Guys Rock! (Also, So Do Discounts)
We love feedback. Here at ACT, Inc., we already know our product is truly in your best interest– our favorite part is watching you realize this, too! We wanted to stop in and share 1. Kathy and Fred’s kind words (Thank you!) and 2. We want to make sure you can always find what you […]
A Pointe in the Right Direction – Building “Sustainable” Right under the Nation’s Sinks
It’s finally happening, folks—“green” is officially getting integrated into the blueprints of America by those directly overseeing the plans. Due to contracts completed and finalized within this past September, there’s now 2 groups of builders out there getting hot water faster to homes on a national scale. With Tri-Pointe’s game-changing commitment to their motto “Life […]
Trip or Treat! October Articles Revealing our September Mischief Out and About
October is coming to a close, and you know what that means… all our September business has leaked into the October media! We’ve been doing lots of running around the county and the country this 2015, so if you’re interested in knowing some of the cities our boys have hit (and what they said there) go ahead and […]