D’Mand Kontrol Hot Water Recirculation Pumps…. Receives International Recognition
We received exciting news this past week from our team in Mexico that our D’MAND Kontrol Systems have been approved under the NOM certification. You probably haven’t heard of NOM and aren’t very excited yet, but let me tell you why this is a big deal!
The journey to receive the approvals we needed started 2 years ago a lot of work must be done, and for us it would be significantly harder. The process doesn’t always take this long, but we had to create the protocol for Recirculation Pumps as we went along. No other Recirculation Pump or product had ever been submitted making this a first for ACT, and a first for the Mexican government.
What is NOM?
NOM is short for “Norma Official Mexicana” or “Official Mexican Law”
Why is NOM important?
To sell any product to developers in Mexico, or on a large scale, companies will ask for NOM certification. Well when trying to help reduce water and energy waste in Mexico and world wide really is our end goal, we need to be able to get our systems out on the market and in the hands of the users on a larger scale. More pumps in the field= More water and energy saved. But as you can imagine, everyone who has a product to sell in Mexico wants to be certified, making the NOM certification that much more precious. Of all of the requests for products to be certified 80% are rejected.
Being among the 20% of approved products is a BIG deal and very ground breaking for the D’MAND Kontrol Systems in Mexico. But not only were we certified by one of the four agencies we were certified by all four! (ANCE, ONNCCE, CNCP, and CONAGUA)
Our pump soared over the requirements, with a low energy cost and 88.3% efficiency in saving water, well over the minimum requirement (75%).
Simply put our product is considered Safe, trustworthy, and GREEN, by the Mexican government, and we now have the accreditation and authority to sell to whomever we please, including Home Developers/Builders for average income, and luxury homes.