Not to mention the Country-Wide Flex Alert/ Save Power Day. Today’s a great day to be concerned with Hot Water on Demand… But wait.. Did I just say HOT WATER in the middle of summer? Yep you betcha. You heard me right, you’re not so dehydrated that you’ve become incoherent. Conserving water and energy is important no matter how you do it, and although you may not be using as many gallons of hot water in summer as you would in winter, you are still using it and can still save water, energy, and MONEY!! Remember your appliances still use hot water, even if you might not be showering with cold water. Your Dish Washer, your Washing Machine, both as well as when you’re cooking, or when showering (even if it’s only luke warm) all use hot water. Have you ever thought of the water and energy wasted when you’re waiting for your hot water to reach your fixture or end destination. Probably not, because you’re busy doing other things as you leave your tap on until the hot water arrives.One of the easiest and immediate solutions to this problem is purchasing an On Demand Hot Water Recirculation Pump. If you’re anything like me this is probably the first time you’ve heard of it, or you don’t quite understand what that means. Simply put, our on demand pump saves you time, energy, money and water by the simple push of a button bringing your hot water to your fixtures in 1/3 of your normal wait time.

Nickie, our Executive Assistant, on her 2nd bottle of water this afternoon! She loves the DMAND SYSTEM!
I know you’re probably thinking, why buy a hot water pump in the middle of summer? I’m not using my hot water very often. The truth of the matter is, we use hot water every day and its never to soon, or the wrong time to save water even if it is in smaller doses. Making an investment in an On Demand Hot Water Recirculation Pump will add convenience and significant savings. If you start now by the time winter rolls around you wont even remember what taking a cold shower is like. No more un wanted morning wake up calls when you’re greeted with frighteningly cold water rather than your desired hot water. Also, if you could start saving money, and helping conserve our national resources now, why would you wait? Waiting to purchase a D’MAND Kontrol Pump is costing you money and wasteful.
Make the Smart Decision and
Invest in the Future!