To be honest, nothing explains it better than the pleasant-sounding woman in this (short and simple) video:
But basically: before buying anything, it’s essential to observe the ratings. The latest and greatest added into the housing market? THE HERS INDEX SXCORE.
To create a demand for smarter, more sustainable homes, RESNET created HERS scores so that the energy-efficiency aspects of your home lower your score.
What happens with a score closer to 0?
Your energy bills ARE REALLY LOW.
This makes your home MORE VALUABLE.
“Across the nation the RESNET HERS Index Score is fast becoming a mainstream in the housing market. Homebuilders are having their homes energy rated and are marketing the HERS Index Score of their homes. Multiple Listing Services (MLS) are incorporating the HERS Index Scores in their listings and code jurisdictions are recognizing a HERS Index Score as a building energy code compliance option.” -
Moral of the story, homeowners? When home searching, ASK FOR THE HERS SCORE.
(OI, and fun fact? An ACT D’MAND System lowers your homes score 3-6 points. Though we’re not surprised about it, we sure are excited that professionals confirm it’s significant contribution.)
And if you’re STILL interested (Perhaps you’re taking home buying/selling very seriously? Props to you!) here’s another (barely longer) video featuring a familiar HG TV face. Here’s John Bell with How to Get Everything You’ve Ever Wanted For Your Home