Yes, we know the drill.
Thanksgiving is “I am thankful for my family’s health.”
Thanksgiving is“I am thankful for running water and a roof over my head.”
And of course, Thanksgiving is always “I am thankful—goodness, so thankful— for this meal in front of me.”
It’s not that any of this is untrue—you only say it because you mean it! But you know what’s funny? You’re being pretty dang thankful for hot water without ever even acknowledging it.
Because your family stays healthy because of…well, hot water. That’s what cleans their hands, cleans their bodies, and cleans their clothes. Hot water is what takes the bad bacteria off of your loved ones.
Because water of any temperature is incredibly useful… but it’s probably hot water that you’re praying for as you turn the knob for your morning shower, am I right? To anyone who knows what it’s like to go without, you know it’s one of the most luxurious perks of being under a roof.
Because the meal in front of you could have been prepared for you without it… but dang, that would have been a toughie without hot water. And probably not sanitary (to be honest, cooking without it would be what threatens your family’s health!)
So yeah, Hot water is the unsung hero of the household that we often get mad at— we’re relieved when it arrives, but we’re annoyed until it does. We either get irritated that we wait forever, or we accept this water waste as normal. And we hardly ever, ever thank it.
Not to make you reflect too hard during the holiday, but… isn’t wasting water a pretty ungrateful thing to do? Especially when there’s a beautiful way to prevent it.
And “beautiful” doesn’t so much refer to the aesthetic value of an ACT D’MAND Kontrols® System (although as far as black boxes go, it’s quite the looker). No, the “beautiful” acknowledges the genuine good it brings the world. The tri-fold saving of energy, water, and money. The duplicity of instantly getting hot water to every fixture in the home in seconds while simultaneously giving back to the environment at every twist of the knob.
Some quick Thanksgiving Fun Facts, shall we?
Your house (yes, YOURS) loses a minimum of 20 gallons per day due to waiting for it to turn “warm enough”.
You (yes, YOU) pay a bill each month for all the energy and electricity your home consumes, even when you’re not there or awake to use it.
You, (yes, very much you) are emitting 3,000lbs a year of carbon dioxide from your continuous hot water distribution system.
But before you get defense… we realize you didn’t know! We’re so blessed (and sometimes cursed) to have technology constantly bombarding us in the form of new screens, we forget that world-changing innovations hide in our plumbing, too. There’s technology out there that doesn’t depreciate in value, which lasts 20 years, that saves you the $300 you lose to un-used water and electricity. There’s technology that saves around 7,000-10,000 gallons of water each year, and it’s easy to install in your home. And the grand total of running it? Less than a dollar per year.
Because Thanksgiving is a time to realize all that’s been saved is a blessing. A time to acknowledge all the positive ways you’ve spent. And a time to recognize where the changes to occur: where you could be saving, where you shouldn’t be spending.
To Invest in the Future® is one of the most grateful things you can do this season: for you family, for your home, for your blessings, for your world. ACT D’MAND Kontrols® is the tool to help you operate such warmth.
Want more details? Not plumbing savy and want someone to explain how this thing works really plainly? Or… not sure if you would prefer to press a cool button or walk past a motion sensor to que the Kontrol® System to activate? Call 714-668-1200 or visit our website at for answers, we don’t bite.