We are thrilled to welcome you to the Got Hot Water blog – the ultimate guide for everything you need to know about our hot water recirculation system! Just like ACT offers the leading technology in hot water recirculation pumps, we also hope to offer the latest technology on our Got Hot Water blog.
Here at our blog we will be exploring new innovations in the industry and new ACT products, as well as the day-to-day business of conserving water. Since 1991 we have helped our customers save more than 93 million gallons of water, not to mention all the energy and money we’ve helped save too! We’re excited to share our success stories with you and spread more information about how the ACT, Inc. Hot Water D’MAND Kontrol® System works.
We’re Going Social!
We are also pleased to announce that you can now connect with us via our social networks. We would love for you to visit our ACT DMAND Facebook page, ACT DMAND Twitter, and view our how-to videos on our ACT DMAND YouTube page.
Once again, welcome! Please be sure to check back to our blog and social media pages often for updates.